Monday, September 19, 2011

What Happens in Vegas.....

I walked off a bus a little over two years ago opposite an old Casino wondering what I was getting myself into. My cousin took a while to come and pick me up. She later told me when we got home and I went to bed on the blow up in the living room she shut her door and cried. Wow. I looked THAT jacked up? I mean, I know it had been a two day bus ride, but really? She says I used to cry at the church we'd attend back when I first moved here. I don't remember much past teaching my niece to walk and one of my cousin's older friends she introduced me to that I sooner than later started sleeping with. My mind seems to blank out between those moments. Get Sonya to walk a few extra steps. Get picked up by said lady after she got off work to go eat dinner, go walk around the strip, go back to her house.

I honestly don't remember much about walking the strip and the food to be honest. And don't get me wrong, the food was phenomenal. We tried every type. On a whim. I ate some good different expensive food that year. I doubt I was really mentally in the restaurant at the time though. I'd just be counting the minutes before we went back to her house. Somewhere in the back of my mind my justification is we both knew what the deal was, both knew what we wanted.......

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The "Water From A Rock" Chronicles:Day Four - The Rock

Fourty Years into Moses' life he kills an Egyptian for mistreating a Hebrew man. The Hebrews rat him out to the Egyptians and because they want him killed he winds up fleeing to the wilderness of Midian.

He's there for fourty years.

He then bumps into a burning bush, is empowered by God to do miracles and leads the whole Isrealite nation out of Egyptian Bondage and captivity only to hear them bicker and continually tick God off.

He's stuck in the wildreness another fourty years.....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The "Water From A Rock" Chronicles:Day Two - Identity

Two Natures Inside My Chest
One is Cursed, and One is Blessed
One I Love, and One I hate
The One I feed Will Dominate...

Monday, August 1, 2011

The "Water From A Rock" Chronicles: Day One

So Once upon some odd 3700 years ago a forty year old Hebrew named Moses was born into captivity in the famous land of Egypt. Four Hundred years before, his Great great great uncle Joseph had been sold into slavery but had so much favor on his life that he got to run the house of his master, survived that master's wife's false accusations of rape, was put in charge of the prison he was thrown into, and eventually ran all of Egypt. His descendants weren't so lucky. Fast forward through a seven year famine, his whole family of eleven other brothers and their families moving to Egypt, then proceeding to reproduce like rabbits, the Egyptians' attitude towards the Isrealites wasn't so favorable.

We're looking at a people who mentally and spritually were suddenly stuck between a rock and a hard taste.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sex On The Side. Fin.

Ps:This got a tad long. Well worth it though.

Pps; I love it when the commentors almost beat me to the punch.

In Part 1 I said I am Edwin Ruyonga and I am Polygamous. I apparently confused one of my boys as it seemed I was making a case for polygamy as a Christian. I'll get to that. I was also real candid about certain things that could be taken the wrong way so for the safety of everyone involved let's just say those who were meant to read it got to.

Part 2 got into How Polygamy is about love way before it is ever about sex. Again it's been made clear that I need to not only expound but clarify.

So Part 3 says this;

Sex On The Side. Pt 2

This wont make sense if you didn't read Part 1. Or maybe it will

You see part in 1 I talked about our natural propensity for polygamy. I also said maybe a little too coded that I was talking about more than just sex.

So this is my best attempt to fully clarify things. Let's get deep for a spell.

Monday, March 28, 2011

This City Video KickStarter Project!!!

This City, This City....

"This City" is a single off the album "S.O.S.", my latest studio release. The song is a celebration of unity and positivity, even in the midst of division and self defeating mentalities

Many of you may or may not know, but I live in Vegas now. World famously named Sin City. Adult entertainment capital, among other things. And it has some interesting statistics

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Things Change

Things Change. I started out wanting to be everyone i idolized on TV that glorified the glitzy life while claiming criminal backgrounds that they weren't altogether cut off from. I related with the struggle and the open distaste for injustice. I felt a common bond due to skin color. I wanted to talk like they talk and walk like they walked. I wanted to live what I thought they lived. I looked up to people I believed I knew because they set out to sound known and believed.

And I was going to be the best at doing what they did.

Sometimes, whether tangible or not, priorities are things. You have to take possession of and own them. You have to nurture them and build them.

Things Change.